For anyone who may be interested in reading another baking/cooking/travel blog please allow me to introduce myself. I'm Natalie, 29 year old lover of food and cake connoisseur. I mean who can resist the sweet smell, the soft warmth and adorable allure of cake. As the title of this blog suggests you can't be sad when you're eating cake, its inconceivable!
Although I do my fair share of baking I've also become quite the cook (or so my boyfriend tells me) and in the last few years have developed a taste and style of my own in the kitchen. This style comes from my mother who I spent many of my childhood days in the kitchen with, watching and learning and also my desire to eat healthily and wholesomely.
My relationship with food is a difficult one, one which has comforted me, entertained me and in doing so has caused me to suffer in obesity. A year ago I was 5 stone heavier than I am now and morbidly obese. Since loosing the weight ( I am no where near slender but I'm sure a slim cake connoisseur is an oxymoron) my eating habits have been reformed. My tastes have broadened and I have a blossoming romance with vegetables, of which I'm constantly trying to discover and adapt new ways of cooking as I'd never chosen to eat them (let alone cook them) previously.
Inevitably you will find that my attempts in the kitchen will probably focus around baking and healthy recipes but variety will come from other inspirations including travel and people and (hopefully) many other interesting sources. I hope you will enjoy reading the blog, a tiny anchovy in the ocean of amateur cooking blogs, but maybe my attempts and discoveries can inspire a fellow foodie.
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